BEZZI'S DYLAN ^ dna certified
Dylan is a very rough dog winner from the great Sandman family.
B.K. & HODGES' CH Sandman Carmack's Booger Red Spivey's Pretty Boy Shield's Rocco
Carver's Brownie
Spivey's Brownie Carver's Stompanato ROM
Carver's Georgia Girl
Hodges' CH Black Betty Cate's Cujo Cate's GR CH Nigerino
Cate's Miss Kitty
Townsend's Black Widow Cate's GR CH Nigerino
Mc Carthy's Patches
K. & C.'s Black Widow K. & C.'s CH Costello Wesley's Abbott S. & W.'s CH Bad Billy ROM
Lakey's Jelly Bean
S.&W.'s Spotea P.B.
Tin Can's Nikki Miller's Indian Rocky Crenshaw's CH Jeep ROM
Garrett's Lil Kate
Tin Can's Deena Rocca's Stonewall
Rocca's CH Lilly White
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